Celebrating the power of community

A dedicated group of people working together can make a big difference

A $27 million bond measure to build a pool for our community passed in the November 7th election! 62.6% voted in favor, easily passing the 60% threshold. The turnout was an amazing 62%, an astounding high number for an odd year election with only district issues and candidates on the ballot. That high turnout likely helped the school district’s $80 million bond over the line.

How did it happen?

An amazing group of volunteers, some of whom are pictured below, worked tirelessly on grassroots efforts such as a booth at the farmers market and tables outside grocery stores, public meetings, letters and ads in the paper, signage, and fundraising campaigns. It paid off.

These volunteers are the first to point out that they’re standing on the shoulders of others who have been working on this for years and paved the way. Together, they got it done.

It’s a well-worn quote, but it feels entirely appropriate here:

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

Read the original post about these inspiring volunteers through the link below. You can find the full series of posts celebrating community here.

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